Quake 3 AWS Disaster Recovery Container Project
I created a YouTube tutorial and GitHub repo to utilize Terraform to deploy Docker ECS clusters in AWS hosting Quake 3 behind a load balancer.
I decided to take this project a step further and to deploy the same Quake 3 architecture to us-east-1 as well as us-west-1 for a disaster recovery failover architecture with a trigger to re-direct Route 53 DNS for when the primary server is unavailable due to shutdown, or network/performance issues.
Here is the Terraform and CloudFormation yaml that I am working on integrating to the primary version of the project.
Work in progress... if you would like to help in anyway, please join our discord channel by clicking the button below:
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World of Warcraft Private Server
Hellfire Begins
Bringing you another WoW Private server.
Building WoW Mods and Tutorials for the community.
Discord link: https://discord.gg/fNcc5gTAjG
Server setup tutorial
Game master management
Custom content creation
Adding furniture and portals
MySQL and Schema Administration
Changing Starting Location
Database Backup Guide
Running Server Offline on Airplane Mode
Adding Transmog, Collections Systems and Cataclysm Class Combos to WOTLK
Adding WoD and MoP maps to WOTLK expansion without raising level cap and keeping old school systems
Racial Changer
Character Changer
Extended Character Customization
Factionless Open World PvP
So, Horde players are enemies with other Horde players.
Alliance players are enemies with other Alliance players.
Alliance can be in the same Party, Guild, Raid as Horde players just like Alliance.
Auction House is shared between factions
In Zones such as Tanaris; Alliance and Horde players can share quests and complete quests together in the same party as allies.
You can even share the same mount, seen in the picture below.
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The Elder Scrolls 3 : Morrowind Private Server
If you don't know, TES 3 Morrowind; released in 2002 is an exclusively single player game.
With the help of tes3mp mod, the community is able to now host Morrowind servers to play online together.
Here are some of my contributions to the tes3mp community